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          ◎枯竭到只有錢的「創意」--看聽奧開幕 2009/09/06 轉貼自 ◎枯竭到只有錢的「創意」--看聽奧開幕 2009/09/06 轉貼自http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/hoon-ting/article?mid=13781&prev=13789&next=13767 實在不想再評論運動會開幕。但既然已經寫過北京奧運與高雄世運,不說說台北聽障,不公平。 基於六億台幣的預算充裕,就開幕而言,台北聽障奧運當然 賣屋比高雄世運「華麗」些,但除此之外,乏善可陳。甚至厭惡。 看聽障奧運開幕,我問身邊的青少年小朋友:「假使沒有舞台,你看表演會有什麼差別?」會答:「沒差別,還是可以進行!」 那就對了,不管花多少錢,事實證明:大舞台是多餘的! 大概,創意總監是舞 澎湖民宿台劇導演吧?舞台劇導演見不到舞台,總是不放心吧。這是他所未曾察覺,最大的創意限制。 好像張小燕在廣告上不斷說,假使錯過北京奧運,那就不能錯過台北聽障。沒錯,空中吊鋼絲,就是北京奧運的那一套。雖說是仿字中正紀念堂等地的儀隊,而有「台北意象」,但在這場合用三軍儀隊以鵝 seo步進場、升旗,讓人昏厥。網友會一種解放軍抵台的錯覺。台灣已經是北京了嗎?這種將北京奧運最不堪的一幕得意洋洋的抄襲,證實台北自甘於下,更不堪。 音樂,更是莫名其妙。非常吵且冗長,閉起眼睛來聽會覺得是十九世紀(或二十世紀初)西洋音樂家在當時流行日本風時候對於東方描寫的要素,由此可以看出台 帛琉北文化的缺乏。 海洋女神與台北有什麼關係?特別說,中國文化中,並無「女神」(由林嘉綺飾演)--那種裸露雙臂、阿娜多姿年輕女性的要素,台灣文化也無此。 但最後1977年的林嘉綺罩上長裙,卻變成84歲的舞蹈界國寶李彩娥,照抄創意怎可一點不避嫌? 牧童呢?牧童是游錫的經驗,不是台北的。而海螺?根本不是台灣的。 大概 西服是既然搭了鋼絲,所以要好好利用。於是,模仿「太陽劇團」(Cirque du Soleil)讓兩個人在空中纏著彩帶扭轉,而下方,卻是一個仿平劇意象的大會「操」。場景只覺怪異,幻化與拼湊。 既然用鋼絲,主要女星AMIT(阿妹)進場當然也要吊一吊。她化妝成(如同2005年電影Constantine《康斯坦丁:驅魔神探》中大天使Michael)揮著兩個天使的翅膀從天而下。這絕 591非原住民的意象,這就是西洋意象,而她人卻是在台北。是音響的原因或是其他,AMIT的聲音出不來。黃小琥聲音本來低沈,算是選錯角,或不適合體育場這種場地,但高雄後來有海莉(Hayley Westenra)和「花生」(Russell Watson),以天籟撐場,奇怪的是台北的AMIT的聲音不再嘹亮。這樣就串不起全場的熱情。 公仔的點子還不錯,不過,男娃娃有必要頂著一顆「滿清頭」嗎? 點燃聖火 澎湖民宿的一事,以香與炮竹的方式,是個取材自地方的創意。這是真創意。應該給予拍拍手。那個池塘蓮花與蜻蜓,是中國文人最愛,當然也是不錯。然而,一樣的,沒有舞台也可以呈現。舞台,最後變成運動員進場後觀眾的視覺障礙。 那個小吃也是「創意」,不過鍋碗似嫌太小,也抓不住目光。更糟糕的是,不過是日本電視節目《超級變變變》的戶外版而已,是抄襲,不是真正的創意。 而以幻燈打光,這招已經在高雄世運用過 燒烤,特別是「書法」的content。水珠照抄世運、三太子摩托車變成筋斗雲自行車…。六處同步施放煙火,也有北京的影子。至於小火災,只是玩火的必然,不算誤失。而燃燒LOGO,是1984年洛杉磯奧運的翻版。 啟用名模,就是錢很多、愛漂亮的意思。 整個問題,無論高雄或台北,仍然在創意總監不懂「空間」已經改變的事實。不能一成不變,要製造「視覺中心」,更不能「因為手中拿著鎚子,所看到的東西好壞都只是釘子」,大舞台就是 票貼創意總監的鎚子。 遺憾的是:戴遐齡說「開幕式很精彩 超過高雄舉行的世運會」,但看創意的枯竭,枯竭到只剩下錢--顯然,做為主管官員的她。眼中手心是肉,手背只是骨頭。 總之,這是場除鞭炮點聖火是創意外,其餘都是照抄的,而台上,則是擠滿不久前才不屑到高雄去參加世運開幕場的官員,而他們卻掌握台灣的資源。 這樣的台灣,是令人擔心的。 年輕人,不像已經受戒嚴教育荼毒太久的中年人,不須要接受這樣的文化傷害,應該大聲拒絕,創造自己的文化。 永慶房屋  .

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          東森關鍵時刻 20110224-1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBIO47FAW1k&feature=related It's American werewolves slaved controlled white trash committed crime of lie, just like they committed in Taiwan so called "2.2.8", just like they committed in Mainland China so called "Nun.Jean.Duck.Tool.Shock", just like t 吳哥窟hey committed in German so called "Yo.Tie.Duck.Tool.Shock".Why American werewolves must do whatever it takes to tool slave control their white trash to lie to destroy China, German, Jews all good remaining? Because good Chine 酒店工作se, good Germany, good Jews, have the best integrity that no way to be bought by any "Sheng.Y.Zhi.5", not mention lifeless money. That how USA has no problem to accept whatever whoever who get any path or stick to come to USA to be one of them, becau 酒店兼職se those white trash can only tooled slaved controlled by pile of US Dollar, personal gain or gang, not only sold out all personal gain or gang but soul, to sold all their blood ties roots out; those naives must all see USA is the most free land; those who finally see thro seough USA lies unwilling to knee down, can only be choked to die or dry self out no way to be traced up. I may be the only exception (because I am the only one that American werewolves can show you how you need to blame yourself first before you can have any shameless to blame USA, because yo 節能燈具u are not free, you don't have right to deserve any freedom. That how you have to make sure that you love or care your boss and your job or work more than your own freedom <That how you must not work in any western medical field ###You have to rely on Gun or wild opium to deal with sick weak human form, o 情趣用品r leave that human form alone inside the wild natural forest to let Mother Natural decide how to treat that sick and weak the most suitable way###, because if you do, you must have to be locked inside sickest horrible nightmare no way out. Mother Teresa does not have any thing to do with western medical, but care and see off those wea 賣屋k sick homeless hopeless helpless daily life like many mankind done to their own family membered old sick pets.> ; that how your President and his First Lady must have to at lease be able to love or like to stay inside your President House [Because out of his President House, every one else is his and his First Lady's boss or master; because he and his 房屋貸款 First Lady elected by all those little boss or masters or hated disliked by those little boss or masters who did not vote for him; not mention those foreigners that out of his elected soil, land, area.] the rest of his life in order to qualify to run that Presidency.), if your Earth can still have good remaining enough to deserve a life. Use your brain cell, do not tooled fool 關鍵字廣告ed by your own sucking shameless white trash slaved controlled by American werewolves. Just question yourself, how could those sucking white trash wearing your Chinese or Taiwanese face value to get those insiders eye to tell without backed by their American werewolves master(s). .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 租辦公室  .

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